Tuesday, October 03, 2006

What is Love....Simple Thoughts

What is Love....Simple Thoughts
Love is existance,
Love is life,
Love dear being,
Is the way to paradise.
Deep it with your heart,
Deep it with your soul,
Devote it to the one,
And believe it as your pride.
Love means to care,
Love means to share,
Caring for the Love,
With your prime sacrifice.
Take it as my word,
Even God is with Love,
The Love that is pure,
Honest, True and Divine.
So Love, but with purity,
Devotion and sincerity,
Surly God is with you,
Never never let him chide.

God, Keep us together.

God, Keep us together.
O! God we know you have gifted down the eternal love,
To your created souls, and the both of us,
And I know we have it, to care and nurture,
And we will like a crystle due on the loveliest flower,
So be with us, O God through out our days and lives,
Coz we need your love as our path and light,
And we promise, we'll be true to you;- Foreever,
Just keep us together under your light and forever....Amen
Pearl, I am with you.
Pearl, As we complete our given years,
I remember them with proud tears,
Those pretty moments, and all we shared,
Makes me feel you, more near,
And all I want is you to believe,
That I am yours and you are my need,
What ever happens, I'll always be there,
With all my Love, affection and heaven's care.
Pearl, be with me.
God has brought both of us together,
To share our most intimate thoughts - forever,
And I am sure you'll be there for me,
In my ever hour of stress and need,
And I promise my love and devotion will be true,
I just expect the same from you,
So be with me thoughout my life,
Coz only your presence, is my way and my light.

Pearl; Trust me

Pearl, Trust me
When the life seems to be sad and dull,
And you go in lots of trouble,
Just think and remember me,
And beside you there I'll be,
World is large, and difficulties do rise,
But trust your man and soon you will realise,
If you love someone purly and truly,
Even God helps and surly take your side.

Pearl, Lines for you
There is a life given to you,
So nurture it coz all is few,
Work for it, work and succeed,
Excel to prove, and prove your need,
Time will come just wait and see,
When you will prove, what you can be,
So keep you cool and march ahead,
Be with pace, time and then,
You will be the boss and people will searve,
Definately achieving, what you deserve.